Is it an epiphany? :0
I've been thinking a lot about epiphanies. They're present in every novel, lurking between lines of character development, stories that generate shimmering tears or crystal sounds of laughter.
To support this claim, let's go epiphany treasure hunting!
1) The Alchemist
"And he saw that the Soul of God was his own soul. And that he, a boy, could perform miracles" (Coelho).
Santiago's epiphany is of complex significance. Physically he discovers how to turn into the wind, an understanding of alchemy. However, his true epiphany comes from within as Santiago finds confidence and belief in the world, becoming wiser and closer to God. The encounter highlights a universal longing for accomplishment and spiritual fulfillment one can receive with perseverance.
2) College Essays
"A good college essay must require an epiphany moment. The pith" (Heinrichs).
In his youtube video, Heinrichs gives an example of his son's discovery of acceptance and identity. His son's moment of greatest conflict at the physiologist office defines the epiphany. Heinrichs stresses that identifying an epiphany solidifies a promising foundation to college essay writing.
3) Even Folklore has a song named “epiphany”
We are really good at this treasure hunt! I think it might be too easy.
I've always wondered about epiphanies. I feel like I've never truly experienced one before. By filing through obstacles I've encountered, solving them has never been neatly encapsulated within a few lines or a paragraph. It is more like climbing a staircase. You can't quickly glide your way to the top in a few seconds, it takes step-by-step growth and change within. It takes the reminder of your obstacle, the distinction of toxic thoughts, time passing to identify change—to identify purpose.
If you are like this adorable puppy you might slip as well, but you understand that growth is continuous and constant. (Side note of encouragement if you're facing an obstacle right now. You can do this!)
So why are epiphanies so prevalent in any story if reality contradicts it? Why are they the climax? And as Jay Heinrichs puts it, why do epiphanies need to appear in your common app?
Epiphanies are a literary device that capture many instances of small discovery into one image. An intertwined narrative. The packaged present conveys a long moment of a human story into a single second with an ability to emphasize growth. It glides past the steps of the complex staircase to the top—the writer or character's complete change—in order to create a lasting impact of growth without the confusing falls and bruises for the viewer to comprehend.
Maybe epiphanies exist as a concise writing method to create stronger, distinct, and straight-forward connections of humanity with the reader.
Ahh! Was that the epiphany moment for this blog post?
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